
SISO has over twenty-five different working groups that:

  • Study different topical areas to assess the need for standards and/or guidance products (Study Groups)
  • Develop new standards and guidance products (Product Development Groups)
  • Manage and maintain existing standards and guidance products (Product Support Groups)

In addition, SISO has three governing committees (Executive Committee, Standards Activity Committee and Conference Committee) as well as a Board of Directors.

Each of these groups - or "communities" - has it's own community page, with it's own library and it's own Discussion area (replacing the old ListSERV reflectors.)

Members will be given the option of receiving real-time e-mails or a daily digest, or receiving no e-mails at all.  There is also a "Consolidated Digest" feature that will condense all digests into one.

Please note that you must be logged in - as a Member or Guest Member - in order to access the Communities.  

Go to SISO Communities.

Thank you SISO Sponsors!

Contact Us

7901 4th St N, Suite 300-4043
St. Petersburg , FL 33702

