The Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) is an international organization dedicated to the promotion of modeling and simulation interoperability and reuse for the benefit of a broad range of M&S communities.

SISO's mission is to develop, manage, maintain, and promulgate user-driven Modeling and Simulation (M&S) standards that improve the technical quality and cost efficiency of M&S implementations across the world-wide M&S community.

We invite you to be part of our unique M&S community. Our sponsors and members contribute to the advancement of new standards, best practices and technology innovations.
  • SISO currently offers over 30 different working groups that develop new standards and guidance products and maintain existing ones.
  • Key areas of interest include Cyber Modeling & Simulation, Simulation & Wargaming, Scenario Development, High Level Architecture (HLA), Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), Space Reference Federation Object Model (Space FOM), Urban Combat Advanced Training Technologies, Exploration of Next Generation Technology Applications to M&S, C2SIM, and many more.
  • SISO encourages participation from the entire M&S community, allowing both members and non-members to participate in discussion groups.
  • SISO provides free M&S resources, including standards, guidance products, and reference products.
  • SISO partners with other influential organizations including IEEE, ISO, NATO MSG, NTSA, ETSA and OGC.


  • Simulation Innovation Workshop (SIW) – Week-long conference held each February in Orlando, FL
  • SIMposium – Two-day virtual conference held each September
  • Seminar on M&S Standards at IT2EC – Usually a one-day event
  • Special Event (with NATO MSG) on M&S Standards at I/ITSEC
  • Simulation Exploration Experience (SEE) – Collaborative learning event for students and STEM educators
  • SISO briefings at DSET, NATO CA2X2 Forum, and NATO MSG Meetings


  • Sponsors and members can propose, forge, and approve new standards.
  • SISO is supported through organizational sponsorships, individual memberships, and a DoD grant.
  • SIW attendees receive complementary annual membership.
  • Sponsors and organizational members receive discounts and other benefits based on their annual contribution.
  • Current SISO Sponsors: Aptima, CAE, Cole Engineering, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, MAK Technologies, NATO Modeling & Simulation Group, OUSD R&EPitch Technologies, SimPhonics, SimVentions, Thales, Trideum Corporation, VMASC/ODU and Unreal Engine.


Events more

2/10/2025 » 2/13/2025
2025 Simulation Innovation Workshop (SIW)

Thank you SISO Sponsors!

Contact Us

7901 4th St N, STE 300-4043
St. Petersburg , FL 33702

